I don’t see my family very often (every few months), but the last time I saw them was the first time they seen me since I dedicated my body to weight gain.. needless to say they were disgusted with my fat body and they picked me to pieces and really let me have it. I did gain around 30 pounds or so since last time I seen them so it obviously was a surprise to them but I’m just wondering if anybody’s been in the same position with family? I was very upset with how my family treated me for being a little overweight but when I got home and surrounded myself with good food and treats I managed to block all the negativity. If I’m ever going to go near my family again I need to be prepared to be judged I feel like there’s no way around it
It's hard for family to adjust. When my husband started fattening up his family was relentless. It took a long time for them to stop asking him "to go on a walk" or bike ride. It's going to take a while, but they will get the message eventually.
It is a situation by situation basis. Truth is, most folks want to obey social norms because it is a form of status and when you have a lifestyle outside that it will allow your family to say things under the facade that they love you. I say, let them be and create and find those who reciprocate immediately and can comprehend your journey. You can't help whom you are born to but you can help those whom you hang around the most....